Video Telematics, ADAS and DMS

The Varroc dashcam is a futuristic driving technology equipped with advanced driving assistance and driver monitoring systems, powered by artificial intelligence. It is designed to enhance the driving experience by providing an additional layer of safety and security on the road. The dashcam is equipped with various features like lane departure warning, collision avoidance, and blind spot detection, which helps drivers drive confidently, knowing that they have a co-pilot on board.

The driver monitoring system is an advanced feature that uses facial recognition technology to detect signs of fatigue or distraction. It alerts the driver with an audible and visual warning if it detects signs of drowsiness or inattention to the road. The dashcam is also equipped with a built-in GPS system, which can track the vehicle’s location and speed, and provide a detailed driving history report.

Installing the Varroc dashcam is easy, and it can be mounted effortlessly on the windshield of the car. Its sleek and stylish design makes it blend seamlessly with the car’s interior. Choosing the right dashcam that suits the driver’s requirements can make a significant difference in their driving experience. Therefore, Varroc offers a range of dashcams to choose from to ensure a safer and more secure driving experience.


Battery Management System

BMS is an embedded system which monitors and protects battery pack while enabling it to supply power to power train and peripherrals.


  • Dual battery protection: On board: MOSFETS, Off board: GPIO for Contactor.
  • On board current measurement.
  • Software configurable.
  • Power limit estimation.
Technology Specifications:
  • Cell voltage monitoring: 14 NMC cells can be with +/- 4.2 mV error.
  • Cell balancing current: 200mA.
  • Battery current monitoring: Peak measurable current – 160A for 1200s with an error of 1%.
  • Battery temperature monitoring: 4 sensors with an accuracy +/- 2.53 deg in the range of (-30 deg to 125 deg) with GPIO for external fan.
  • BMS board temperature monitoring: 2 sensors with an accuracy of +/- 2.53 deg in the range of (-30 deg to 125 deg).
  • State of charge estimation: accuracy of >98%.
  • State of health monitoring
  • Software configurable using CAN communication.
